• Membership allows for all this to keep going.
• It allows for this website to stay up and updated.
• It allows "The Map" to stay updated, and for you to be on "The Map".
• It allows the very large facebook group, where the majority of your sales will take place - to run smoothly which is a full time job. The Facebook group has over 89,700 + members and a growth of 1000 members per month.
• It allows you the right to use our logo on your goods, of web pages.
How to join: Fill out the form below and send check or click donate to send your $50.00
You can edit your form responses on the form submission confirmation page so please keep this. On the confirmation page, click the Edit your response link. You'll be able to see your previous answers and make edits.
Pay your $50.00 with Paypal other options on the DONATE page. A receipt will be sent to you upon payment.
Clicking this button below will allow you to pay the one time fee of 50.00 for Farm Direct MN - Map Membership/Inclusion. I am unable at this time to change the wording of the button from Donate to Membership.