Farm Direct Minnesota




Farm Direct Minnesota is a statewide asset that connects farmers direct to customers.

Started My 5, 2020 during the Covdi-19 Pandemic it's mission as always; is to connect farmers to customers and strengthen the local food system and food supply chain and in doing so to help eliminate food deserts.

Farm DIrect Minnesota features local farms and foodmakers.

The following business's, organizations and benifactors believe in this mission and have helped to sponsor these on going efforts to keep all of our MN family's fed with the best of what our state has to offer. #localeats #farmdirect #foodtotable #farmdirectminnesota

You can also join in keeping this sustainable with your donation. Please contact us for information.


Granquist and Associates Oskar Granquist


Sazzy Calhoun

Farm Diect Minnesota

Farm Direct Minnesota
Name on check: Sazzy Calhoun
PO Box 100
Bethel, MN 55005

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Clicking this button below will allow you to pay the one time fee of 50.00 for Farm Direct MN - Map Membership/Inclusion. I am unable at this time to change the wording of the button from Donate to Membership.

© 2024 Farm Direct Minnesota
